Best Buy Cyber Monday Fail

Monday was Cyber Monday and while I simply out and out refuse to do any shopping with the hordes on Black Friday I’m not necessarily opposed to letting my fingers do the shopping from the comfort of my couch.

Best Buy Cyber Monday Fail

I’m in need of a new laptop so the Wife was kind enough to find a couple of online deals.  I’m not a gamer anymore so I’m essentially looking for a light, quick PC to do email, browse the web and do some web development.  Best Buy had one and with my Best Buy credit card I could take 6 months to pay without interest… score.

Managed to rummage through my wallet and find my card that had seen better days.  Went through the checkout process (with Best Buy not able to look up my Reward Zone number – I’ll deal with that later…) and  came to the point where I had to enter my card number.  Naturally, the card didn’t go through.

So, I get on the horn with Best Busy customer support to see what the issue was and how to fix it.  I figured that my card had been deactivated due to lack of use, but it would just be a matter of a phone call, a reactivation and I’d be on my merry way.  WRONG.

First I’m connected with an operator who to say had an accent would be an understatement.  Folks… if you’re going to put someone on the phone PLEASE make sure they can understand and speak English.  I know it’s a lot to ask for but trust me on this.  I managed to explain my situation to the woman and was told that my card had in fact been deactivated because, “It hadn’t been used in many days,” and that I could get another one right away… in the store.

Yep, they wouldn’t or couldn’t take care of it on the phone.  So what we’ve got here is a customer support rep on CYBER MONDAY telling me to hit up their brick and mortar location which happens to be about 20 miles away.  Oh yeah… and it was closed.

Needless to say, I didn’t put the transaction on my Best Buy credit card, nor will I be opening up a Best Buy credit card any time soon.  I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where businesses were run logically?  Fail.

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