So it’s nearly WrestleMania time once again! In less than a week, Pip will make his yearly trek to Cleveland for a weekend of pretending we’re way younger than we actually are, movie viewing and general bad behavior. I won’t speak for him but I look forward to our twice yearly get togethers and I start counting down to his Cleveland trip pretty much from the time I pull out of his driveway on my way home from Indiana. With that said, here’s a look back at an outstanding weekend in Indy last September.
Friday September 11th, 2015
I rolled into town in the early afternoon. I got to see Pip’s new house and got to meet sweet little CeCe for the first time. We got off to a rocky start but I’ll admit it was most likely my fault as I arrived during nap time… Bad Chewie. I’m happy to say that by the time the weekend ended we were on great terms and I even got a hug, or maybe just some drool. Either way I’ll take what I can get. This little lady is the cutest.
We then headed off to Kilroy’s in downtown Indianapolis to have a mini Thompson 5 reunion of sorts with Buford and Jimmy. It was absolutely tremendous to see those guys and we shared many stories over many beers. It’d been since we graduated since I’d seen Jim. I could have sworn we had dinner back when I lived in DC but he swears we didn’t. This begs the question… who the hell did I have dinner with that I can’t remember?
Saturday September 12th, 2015
Big day today. Pip and I were making a return to Horrorhound which we attended back in 2013 where we got to meet Robert Englund (and I got to meet Barry “Ace Hunter” Bostwick). We’d had our eye on this show for quite some time as it was the largest reunion of A Nightmare on Elm Street cast members in recent memory. Not only that, but this show had a huge Big Trouble in Little China showing with several of the main cast members in attendance. BTILC is one of our favorite flicks so we jumped at the chance to meet David Lo Pan (James Hong) in his full movie accurate outfit!

After that we hit the floor show, chatted with some folks and got our geek on. I’ll put together a more full review of the show itself over on Before we knew it, we had another photo opp appointment, this time with the collective cast of A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Talk about a bucket list moment!!! Quite literally couldn’t get the smile off my face even as Robert dug his (very sharp) claw into my face!

Unlike the last time we were at the show we weren’t waiting around for another signature so we called it an early day and were out of there by 2:00 or so. We hit up a local BW3 to watch some football which has sort of become a tradition of its own. Later that afternoon we headed over to Mark & Sara’s who were recouping from some day drinking. We started a fire and sat around and had several beers to end out the evening. Perfection.
And just like that it was Sunday morning and time to drive home. Before I headed home I got to spend some more time with CeCe and her folks which was pretty outstanding. Huge thanks as always to Pip & Lauren for their hospitality. Love you guys. And with this post out of the way The Beeramid will return this Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 during WrestleMania 32! Not sure exactly how it will go but I’m super pumped!!!