As you know if you read more than a post or two here, I’m a geek. I’m a child stuck in a (fat) man’s body that simply refuses to grow up. As I’m the father of two and (more importantly in this case) husband to one I have but one room left in the house that I can call mine…the basement. As the kids get bigger (and require more room to run and store THEIR shit) I’m losing my man cave (or at least parts of it).
So… to that end, I’ve been cleaning up the basement, organizing, throwing away, etc. During this exercise, I ran across a trunk full of my Transformers from when I was a kid. After some digging and some searching on the Internet I managed to put him back together in all his glory. I can’t say that all of his joints are as tight as they were 25+ years ago, but all his parts are there and he now enjoys a prime spot on the top of my TV (conveniently out of the reach of the boys).
I’ve missed you old friend… welcome back.