WrestleMania 26 (XXVI) is in the books and I have to say it was a very good offering overall. Quite frankly this is the type of show I wish they had last year for the 25th anniversary. It wasn’t anything mind blowing but it was a very solid event from top to bottom.
WrestleMania 26 Review and Thoughts
Showmiz vs. Morrison & RTruth – This was a decent opener. I didn’t really surprise me that they kept the straps on Showmiz. Once they lose, The Big Show has absolutely no program to work. That said, it’s not going to be too long before Miz has fewer belts than he does now.
Orton, Rhodes & DiBiase – Happy to say that I called the outcome of this one. Nothing real surprising here with Orton getting the win. I have to say that these guys are definitely better apart than they were together. I can’t stand Rhodes (not sure why but he just looks “weird”) but DiBiase is gonna be a star in the near future. I’m guessing that this feud is far from over.
Money In The Bank – Nice looking match. Honestly I was surprised that Swagger got the win here. I’m not a big fan of his and I’m very interested to see how they build that character toward his title shot. You can be sure that it won’t be based on his mic skills.
HHH / Sheamus – I thought HHH would actually put Sheamus over here but was happy that he didn’t. This was a much better match that I expected. I’m curious as to if this feud is just going to die. Thinking they might play the “mutual respect card” and have HHH take him on as a pet project. If they go that route, the first thing they need to do is get Sheamus a damn tan.
Rey / Punk – Good stuff here. Didn’t think there was a chance in hell that Rey would lose and he didn’t. Always like watching Rey wrestle.
Hart / McMahon – Totally lame. Was pretty disappointed in this one. I always though that if there was one wrestler that could come back and look decent it would be Bret. I was wrong. It wasn’t terrible, just SLOW. Can’t blame the guy for having a stroke but I expected more from the Hitman.
Jericho / Edge – Good match. Glad that they left the strap on Jericho but this is far from over. I do have to say that since the Rumble in January Edge looks MUCH better in the ring. Thinking this may be the strap that Swagger ends up getting a run with.
Women’s Match – Bunch of ass running around. This was a total waste of time and should have never been put on the card.
Cena / Batista – GREAT match until the end where it got a bit sloppy. Pip mentioned that he thought Cena has a heel run in him in the next year or so and after giving it some thought I tend to agree with him. Think Cena would be a great heel.
Taker / Shawn – Not as good as their match last year but still the best of the show. I’m VERY happy to see that this was the main event. There aren’t too many “legends” left in the WWE and a match with two of them should headline WrestleMania regardless of if there’s a title on the line. Sorry to see Shawn go but SO glad the streak is intact. I just don’t see a reason for the WWE to build up that streak for so many years to throw it away at this point.
Overall WrestleMania 26 was MUCH better than last year and allowed us to build a pretty tremendous Beeramid. No real surprises but I feel much better about spending the money this Monday than I did last year.