Finally Something Good From The Birdman

Koko B. WareI’ve often said that one of my least favorite wrestlers of all time is the WWF’s Koko B. Ware.  (The character that is… I actually enjoyed some of his earlier non-Birdman work).  This is a dude that’s in the WWE Hall Of Fame and I can’t for the life of me figure out why.  He was essentially a jobber that never rose above mid-card status.

Dude would come to the ring with his bird Frankie (who died in a tragic fire a few years back… no shit).  On top of that, he’s probably most well known for singing the title track of the epic 1987 album Piledriver.  If you’ve never seen pictures of him and the late Owen Hart teamed up to form a tag team called High Energy you owe it to yourself to click on this link: High Energy.

In any case, I was perusing Wiki this evening and ran across this little nugget that made me smile:

“At the Survivor Series in 1990, Koko became the first wrestler to fall victim to The Undertaker’s Tombstone Piledriver in the Undertaker’s debut match.”

That right there is fucking cool.  Finally a reason to like The Birdman!

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