Got Snow? Get Scammed

Every year as the calendar turns towards October, folks in Northeast Ohio start to say goodbye to summer and prep for fall and winter. With the cooling temperatures and shortened days come the thought of snow removal. Sadly, there are some out there that take advantage of that situation.

I was hoping to not to have to write a post of this nature this year, but alas here I am. For the past few years I’ve been on sort of a personal crusade against a company doing business under the name of Got Snow? or Got Snow Services. Got Snow is at least the 3rd name this company has been known by.  In 2008, I was taken by this scam when they were going by the name of The Snowplow Guys.  You can read the full history here. To make a long story short, this company took my money and never showed up to perform the contracted work.

I want to be clear. I have not personally worked with this company since the winter of 2008.  I always want to give people and companies the benefit of the doubt. That said, I also value fair play and I simply cannot stand scammers thinking they can take people’s money and get away with it scot free. I’ll do anything in my power to put a stop to it.

I have written posts the last couple of years warning people about this potential scam. Each and every year I have received SEVERAL comments and follow up communications that they have had the exact same issues. Based on this year’s marketing materials which have been updated quit a bit, I can only assume that the scam is still on.

I didn’t personally get last year’s flyer (It was passed along to me by a fellow member of a Twinsburg Facebook group) but low and behold I got this year’s version in my mailbox the other day.

Got Snow Services Scam (2016 Version)

Got Snow Services 2016 Front


Then call Got Snow Services to clear it.

Stay inside, stay warm and take the hassle out of winter weather by calling Got Snow Services for experienced and professional snow removal.

Get a Full Season


Only $195*

*Price includes timely removal of snow from your driveway starting November 15 through April 1, no matter how often it snows. We jump into service and work 24/7 whenever snow exceeds 2-3″.



Got Snow Services 2016 Back

P.O. Box 391541, Solon, OH 44139


*Ask about our Neighbor Referral Discount and our Homeowners Association discounts.

“Let’s get you at the top of the plow list, Call Us Today!” 440-231-4826

P.S. This is an offer just for your neighborhood!
Your are receiving this offer because we already contracted for this winter’s service with some of your neighbors. This offer is valid only for your neighborhood. Keeping it local helps ensure every customer’s home is cleared in a timely manner.

We Look Forward To Serving You!

We are happy to supply neighborhood reference upon request.

Got Snow Services Doesn’t Deliver What They Promise

I asked a local Twinsburg snow removal company (who’s been recommended over and over again) about this sort of pricing and he had this to say:

“Yeah, when the price is that low, he’s not showing up. As someone who does plowing, I can assure you that you get what you pay for. Under $200 for a season is not enough to keep that guy running into January.”

As I’ve done in the past, I’m posting this simply to make sure that no one gets taken by the same scammer that I did. PLEASE, read the following posts and all of the comments.

As you can see, there are YEARS worth of complaints for multiple company names (The Snowplow Guys, Empire Snow Removal and Natural Science Landscaping).

Again, I have no experience THIS winter with this particular company but I know the flyers are being distributed. Buyer beware. Here is the F-rating for Got Snow Services from the Better Business Bureau. There are even complaints from LAST WINTER that was SO MILD I rarely had to shovel.

The Twinsburg Police Department posted this to their Facebook page:

As much as it pains us to say it, winter is on its way. Now is the time of year when residents and business owners start arranging their snow removal services. Unfortunately, there are scam snow removal contractors out there who will take your money but not show up to plow. Chapter 767 of the Codified Ordinances of Twinsburg was created to protect our residents and business owners by requiring any snow removal service to register with the City’s Building Department and display a City issued decal on their snow removal vehicles. When considering a snow removal company, the first question you should ask the contractor is, “Are you registered with the City of Twinsburg?” If the answer is no, we strongly suggest you consider contracting with one that is registered. Contact the Building Department for a list of registered snow removal contractors.

Have you dealt with Got Snow Services? Please leave a comment below to share your story.

2 thoughts on “Got Snow? Get Scammed

  1. I hate to admit that I just found out today that I got scammed by this loser.
    Do I have any recourse? Please help. I don’t know what to do?

    1. So sorry to hear this Michelle 🙁

      Not sure what recourse you have. Better Business Bureau might be a good place to start. You could also make a phone call to your local police department though I’m not sure what good that would do.

      I’ve chosen to use my blog here as it (hopefully) makes folks aware. Feel free to share your story as well here in the comments as every little bit helps.

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