It All Comes Back To Pro Wrestling

In case you’ve been living under a rock there was a wedding this morning.  Prince William married ‘commoner’ Miss Catherine (a.k.a. Kate) Middleton.  I’m happy to say that I completely ignored the hype for this story.  I didn’t give a shit, didn’t set my DVR, and didn’t stay up late to watch it.  However… as I was kissing the wife & kids goodbye this AM I turned on the TV and the live coverage happened to be on.  Just as in this previous post where real life imitates pro wrestling, a certain wrestler immediately came to mind when I saw young William’s wedding attire.

Dear Prince William… The Mountie called.  He wants his ring gear back.

The Mountie
The Mountie
Prince William
Prince William

I’ll close this the same way I closed the Koko and Cee Lo post.  Wow… just wow.

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