If you’ve read my stuff here on the blog over the years you know I’ve got three boys and a wife who adore the holidays. This year is going to be a bit different for obvious reasons (stupid COVID) but you can rest assured that we’ll be doing everything that we can to keep our holiday traditions.
Several years ago I wrote this post where I recounted the fact that I’d lost our Elf on the Shelf. I’m happy to say that Charlie made his was back to us in subsequent years. My boys are getting older now so they’re not SUPER into Santa but my youngest guy is still ALL IN. He wakes up every morning looking for our Elf to see if he’s come back and where he’s hiding. (Luckily our Elf typically isn’t too naughty but I know there are some out there.)
Anyhow, I ran across this awesome site recently that will allow you to order a personalized letter from the big guy himself and have it sent right to your door – https://santaletters.org/
In addition to a ‘certified’ letter from Santa himself your child will get a map that show’s Santa’s directions from the North Pole to your home, a copy of the NICE list and an official certificate. They also have additional packages available where you can get door hangers, stickers, reindeer food, etc. It is SUPER cool that 10% of all profits from SantaLetters.org goes to Toys for Tots!!
If you’re looking for a unique gift this year give this one a look. They’ll even guarantee that you child’s letter will arrive in time for Christmas if ordered by the cutoff date of December 15.
It’s not too far away folks… before you know it we’ll be at Halloween and Thanksgiving and CHRISTMAS! Don’t be like me… plan ahead. Now… where’s that damn Elf?!?!