November 2014 Tweetup Recap – Guys Night With a Prius

For the first time since JUNE (!), the 2nd Wednesday of the month meant it was Annex Tweetup night!  The November Annex Tweetup was held on Wednesday, November 12th.  And while this turned into the first ever “guy’s night out” at the Annex I can say we had a simply amazing time. If you’ve never joined us for a tweetup, or worse yet have never experience the Annex, you’ve got an awesome opportunity on December 10th when the Annex Tweetup returns!

November 2014 Tweetup

In attendance for the November tweetup were: @AnnexBar, @406Northlane, @Case4Cleveland, @Dizzle729, @lexus1scott

Here’s are a few of the pictures that were taken that night:

As you know, a “Tweetup” is a “meetup” of a group of friends that met on Twitter… hence… Tweetup.  I don’t want you to think we stop tweeting when we’re together in person.  Here’s some of the 140 character gems that were generated that night.

  • This just feels right… (@ Annex Bar & Grille in Solon, OH)
  • Starting Annex night off right with a bump & a beer. Cheers.
  • There’s a song on @AnnexBar taking about how “she’s rocking the beer gut.”
    Couldn’t make this shit up if I tried.
  • I really hope I don’t get X’d tonight.
  • There’s a Prius parked out front. @Dizzle729 just showed up. Coincidence?
  • Oh shit, X’s could be coming for @Case4Cleveland, @406Northlane & myself @AnnexBar! Buckle up
  • Wish you were here.
  • I missed this place
  • Navigating the slant in the @AnnexBar floor is a chore.
  •  @Case4Cleveland had to assume chair dancing duties tonight @AnnexBar cause @GirlFromThe216 ditched us. #fail
  • Some people aren’t as reliable as a Prius.
  • #RedSoloCup is now playing.
  • Thanks for a fun evening. The guys night was really an enjoyable night
  • Hey @AnnexBar, we should refer to Patron as the Smooth Criminal.
  •  I just googled “prius panty dropper” my life is on a downward spiral…

Tweetups are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of every month so mark your calendar for Wednesday, December 10th at 7:00 (ish) PM.  As always, all are welcome to partake even if you’ve never joined us.  Please do… the more the merrier!!!  Come on out and meet some new friends!

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