Official WrestleMania 37 Drinking Game

WrestleMania 37 Logo 2021

WrestleMania 37 will once again be a two night affair and be held on Saturday, April 10th and Sunday, April 11th, 2021 at at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. Last year’s show was a weird one to say the least at was at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and we had NO IDEA what we were in for. Sadly Pip didn’t make his yearly trek to the CLE for obvious reasons, but we did manage to have Zoom calls on both nights of the event which gave us some version of normalcy.

At this point, we’re still not quite sure if Pip will be making a trip or if we’ll be doing a virtual watch along once more, but I’m going to push ahead and do what needs to be done… The Royal Rumble is behind us so it’s officially BEERAMID SEASON!!!


As I’m sitting here typing up this post I’m going back through the site and I realize that I never posted pictures or a recap of last year’s event. What can I say… pandemic. Tell you what, I’ll make sure I get them posted here in short order and will update this post accordingly. Suffice to say, I built a Beeramid and took some pics, though it paled in comparison to years past. I’ve been asked several times already this year if we were going to put our list out this year… so here it is!

First for a little history lesson… 

Starting way back with WrestleMania 25 Drinking game in 2009 (holy shit that’s 12 years ago), we’ve chronicled our rules here on the site. Starting with the WrestleMania 28 Drinking Game, we established some rules (10) for our game that would carry over from year to year and other rules (10 ish) that would be specific to that year’s Mania.

Year Over Year Rules

  • 1 drink for a missed match outcome
    • 3 drinks if title match
    • 5 drinks if main event
  • 1 drink for foreign object
  • 3 drinks for a bloody wrestler
  • 3 drinks for (unannounced) legend appearance or a surprise return
  • 1 drink for a small package attempt
    • finish beer if it wins the match
  • 3 drinks for a face / heel turn
  • 2 drinks for a submission victory
  • 5 drinks for a double count out or double DQ
  • 1 drink for a finisher
    • 2 if opponent kicks out
  • 1 drink every time they show footage of a previous WrestleMania (not including intro montage)
  • 3 drinks for a title change

WrestleMania 37 Specific Rules

As of this writing we’re still almost two months out from the show and while I’ve got some educated guesses as to what we’ll see I don’t think there’s been even a single match announced. Check back to this post from now till the opening bell of WrestleMania 37 for new rules being added.

  1. 1 drink every time something is referred as ‘WrestleMania moment’
  2. 1 drink for every reference of ‘Coronavirus’ or ‘COVID-19’ 
  3. 2 drinks for each McMahon family cameo (Vince, Shane, Steph or Linda)
  4. 1 drink for every SPEAR in the main event (Reigns vs. Edge vs. Bryan… good God)
  5. Take a drink every time Bianca whips or gets whipped with her ponytail (courtesy Jesse)
  6. Finish your beer if someone gets set on fire during Fiend vs. Orton. (courtesy Jesse. Note: “I kind of feel like it should be take a flaming shot but don’t want to set your house on fire.”)
  7. 5 drinks for an inverse crowd response to a wrestler-face gets booed, heel cheered. (courtesy Jesse)

 Feel free to leave a comment below with a rule for this year’s game!

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