Progressive Field – Baseball & Beer

It’s been a while since I’ve put together a Beer Shots post though that’s certainly not because I haven’t been taking them.  As I was going through my pics to be added to the site, I realized that I’ve got multiple shots from some of my favorites places – The Annex & The Winking Lizard immediately spring to mind.  With that being said, I made the decision to move away from my normal “one image per post” rule and be a bit more free spirited with things.  When I’ve got multiple photos from a venue to be posted, they’re gonna be posted together in one post.  May not seem like much to you, but when I get the voices in my head to agree on something like this it really gets me pumped.  But I digress…

These photos were all taken at the home of my beloved Cleveland Indians, Jacob’s Field.  OK fine… for you purists out there, technically they changed the name of the park back in 2007 to Progressive Field, but I’m one of those in Cleveland who’s a “It’s always The Jake to me” kinda guys.

Beers at Progressive Field

You really can’t get much better than a cold beer on a hot summer night.  Go Tribe!!!

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