The Confusion Ends Sunday… Maybe

Lost On ABCDon’t worry… this post contains no spoilers.  I couldn’t spoil you if I wanted to.

The series finale of ABC’s Lost airs on Sunday evening and so (hopefully) does my confusion.  I consider myself a Lost fan for sure, but I’m not a Lost geek.  The distinction is minor, but one that’s important to make between fans.  As an example, I have no problem sitting in a bar talking theories with my buddy Pat about who did what or what’s going to happen and I do listen to the Official Lost Podcast as well as The Lost Podcast With Jay and Jack.  However, I’m not one of these folks that looks at the books on the shelves in the background of a scene, I don’t care what the significance of the rabbit’s name is and I sure as hell don’t know how the two time lines are going to come together.  And therein lies my enjoyment of Lost.

I can’t remember the last show where I was completely and utterly confused while watching… and KEPT watching it.  This is one of the few shows that the wife and I can watch together (I roped her into ABC’s V as well) and regardless of the outcome on Sunday evening, I’m going to be sad to see it go.  I really do hope though that they give us some closure.  I’ve been confused long enough folks.  Damon/Carlton… thanks for the memories.  It’s time to bring it home.

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