WWF Royal Rumble (1994) Pinball Machine

So my brother Mark went and bought himself a kickass new toy last week – a WWF Royal Rumble pinball machine from 1994. This goes nicely with his Tommy Pinball Wizard machine but I digress…

So I went over this weekend to help him get it into the basement and get it set up. This machine is beautiful. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up. With that said though, we’ve got an issue. We’re both HUGE wrestling fans, but there’s a character on the front of the machine that neither of us recognized.

Royal Rumble Pinball (1)
Who’s the guy pointing?

I posed this question in a WWE Facebook group I belong to and the general consensus is that it’s either a random referee or Bill Alfonso. Either way, seems like a really random character to put on the front of the machine.  What do you think… who is it?

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