A Note About PPV Dates

If you’ve been following this site for any length of time you know that I’m a huge professional wrestling fan. In addition to PPV recaps, I’ve written about wrestling on numerous occasions. If you’re a listener of the podcast, The 411 From 406, Pip and I talk about wrestling often. SO OFTEN in fact that we’re considering a wrestling-specific spinoff podcast… more on that to come. That said, I’m making a change here on the site starting today and I’m putting this post out to describe it.


WWE PPV Event Posts: Dated by Event, Not Publication

Up until today, I’ve always had the publication date of wrestling-related content reflect the date the post was published. While I will continue to do this for wrestling commentary moving forward I will date PPV RECAP items with the date the event took place… not (necessarily) the date of actual publication.

The Concept of Event-Dated Posts

So, the natural question is, why am I doing this? This will serve several purposes:

  • Historical Accuracy: By dating posts based on the event date, there’s a clear chronological alignment with the event’s actual occurrence. This is particularly useful for fans and historians looking back at specific moments in WWE history. But if I’m being honest, it’s really just for me. When I look back at the PPV RECAPS category here on the site, it drives me crazy if WrestleMania 3 is after WrestleMania 4.
  • For those who couldn’t watch live, this practice allows readers to experience the event through the lens of social media as if they were there. It provides a timeline of reactions, matches, and surprises exactly as they unfolded. Do I think people are reading MY site for their wrestling news?  Not at chance… but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.


This is something that I’ve been considering for quite some time, and with last night’s Royal Rumble (2025) I figure now is as good a time as any to implement it. For the time being there will be some things that you see out of order, but over the next few weeks and months I’ll go back and re-date previous content.

Cheers fans!

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