Spenser Goes ‘Looking For Rachel Wallace’
BOOK DETAIL/INFORMATION: This is the sixth Spenser novel written by Robert B. Parker. It was originally published in 1980. The book’s title character Rachel Wallace …
From Cleveland To Bloomington and Back
BOOK DETAIL/INFORMATION: This is the sixth Spenser novel written by Robert B. Parker. It was originally published in 1980. The book’s title character Rachel Wallace …
BOOK DETAILS/INFORMATION: Promised Land is the fourth Spenser novel written by Robert B. Parker. It was originally published in 1977. Of particular note here is …
BOOK DETAIL/INFORMATION: Mortal Stakes is the third Spenser novel written by Robert B. Parker. It was originally published in 1975. Recurring character Patricia Utley makes …
BOOK DETAILS/INFORMATION: God Save The Child is the second Spenser novel written by Robert B. Parker. It was originally published in 1974. Of particular note …