The short answer is, I have no idea who this dude is. And therein lies the problem. This is one of the “suggestions” that Facebook gave me this AM as someone that I should be friends with. Now I’m not here to judge this guy at all – in fact he seems like a swell dude. I’m just not sure how we’re connected, or why he was suggested to me.
- OK, so we’re both male. If that’s the only criteria FB is looking at, their algorithm needs a lot of work.
- He’s nearly 20 years older than me.
- He’s single, I’m married.
- He’s from Yuma, Arizona which as far as I know I’ve never even visited.
- We do have roughly the same political and religious views, but I don’t share that stuff on Facebook so that can’t be a commonality.
- He’s worked in industries that I never have.
- He’s got military service (thank you sir) that I don’t have.
- He’s got a Star Trek quotation listed as his favorite and even Facebook should know that I fucking hate Star Trek… Star Wars all the way folks.
- He went to college halfway across the county from where I did and got degrees is Fine and Media Arts – nothing remotely close to my degrees.
- We don’t share any of the same likes/interests in music, books, movies or television.
- In addition to ALL of that, we don’t share any friends. Not one.
I suppose there’s a slim possibility that I’m supposed to know this gentlemen. Perhaps from some organization that I belong to or via a long lost 3rd cousin that I’ve yet to meet. That possibility aside, I’m left scratching my head. * shrug *
OK, now I’m really confused… now he’s showing up on LinkedIn as someone I should know too.
THE MYSTERY IS SOLVED!!! This gentlemen registered and made a total of ONE post on a message forum that I moderate. So… apparently that’s all it takes to be friends on Facebook… one post. Now I can sleep easier.