Star Wars Black Series – Jabba’s Throne Room

Jabba's Throme Room (5)I haven’t done a ton of toy collecting lately, but what I have picked up (and gotten completely sucked into) is The Black Series (6″ line) from Hasbro. These figures are absolutely stunning and they’ve done what no Star Wars toy has been able to do in the last 30 years… make me go all in on a SW line.  The last time I had to have EVERY figure from a line was with the now defunct G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra line.

Life is full of change these days so I don’t even have any of these figures displayed to this point, but I’ve got them all and I continue to order them each time a new wave comes out.  This particular figure was this year’s San Diego Comic Con Exclusive as it’s got not only Jabba, but also some additional accessories and a different package.  I’ve never been a package collector as I open all my toys, but this one is pretty cool (complete with a Han in carbonite).

I didn’t go to SDCC (and really have no plans to as it looks too damn crowded to be worth it) but I was lucky enough to snag this exclusive when Hasbro put it up online for an hour or so.  I’m not QUITE sure how this is a con exclusive if it’s available online to those who weren’t at the con, but that’s another story.

In any case, here’s Jabba in all his glory…

Jabba’s Throne Room Black Series

Get the non-con exclusive version here: Star Wars Black Series 6″ Jabba The Hutt

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